

By: Julia Nekwaya

Coming from a long line of athletes and a bloodline of prominent football stars such as Jamanuka Tjihero and Bimbo Tjihero, it is no surprise that Virginia Kujandeka Tjihero ventured into sports which eventually led to her being the conditioning coach for the Debmarine Namibia Premiership champions African Stars.

Tjihero, explained that some of the challenges she faced as a female coach of male team were gender bias as she was often viewed as less knowledgeable which translated into a lack of respect and trust from players and other coaches. Despite these challenges, she successfully coached a male team. With her determination, hard work, and a commitment to excellence, she become the First Namibian female coach to have won the Namibian premiership.

Tjihero speaks to SRSM about her journey and what keeps her going.

Thank you for chatting to us, what sparked your interest in sports, especially football?

My interest in sports began at a young age, often through participation in organised sports leagues and watching sports with family and friends. I found enjoyment in the physical activity, the challenge of competition, and the camaraderie of being part of a team. I used to do athletics and play netball throughout my high school years and still continued where I joined the Unam Athletics club where I was crowned the Namibian Senior National Shotput champion also the Senior National Champion for Botswana in 2018.

In the case of football specifically, I was drawn to the physicality and intensity of the sport, as well as the strategy and complexity of the game. I am part of the others that have grown up watching football with family or friends and developed a love for the sport over time.

I come from an amazingly talented sports family background. Shall I start with my mother? Theresia Kujandeka was an excellent netball player who played till her 50s. Now she is a huge football fanatic, and my dad, Jamanuka Tjihero, used to be a footballer back in his days together with his brothers Albert Tjihero and well-known Bimbo Tjihero, not to forget my cousin, our own hockey captain, Maggy Mengo. All in all, Coach Woody Jacobs showed me the roots and depth of football. He saw my work and has since kept pushing and motivating me to never stop as it defined me.

Sports can promote physical and mental health, build character, and bring people together across cultural and geographic boundaries.

What were your highlights this season?

It’s hard to pick a highlight because the players really played their hearts out in every game they played, with great maintenance, and there were very few injuries picked up throughout the season. African Stars players are mental monsters; I’ve watched them deal with every game calmly, passionately, and with experience, as most teams always played the hardest against us.

The players really saved the best for last with fascinating goals scored by remarkable players, so I would go with the crowning day. The little celebration dance I had with Dynamo was special and planned, of course; this group of players surely is extraordinary. This is African Stars! It’s hard to pick.

What challenges did you face as female coach of a male team?

One of the primary challenges that I faced as a female coach of a male team was gender bias. Some male athletes, coaches, and spectators may view women as less knowledgeable or capable than men when it comes to coaching male athletes. This bias can lead to a lack of respect and trust from players and other coaches, which can make it difficult to establish authority and build positive relationships, but the group of players I had were phenomenal or elite athletes. They allowed me to grow no matter my off days, and I appreciate them for that.

Despite these challenges, many female coaches have successfully coached male teams and have made significant contributions to the world of sports. With my determination, hard work, and a commitment to excellence, thus making me become the First Namibian female coach to have won the Namibian premiership, female coaches can overcome these challenges and achieve success in coaching male teams.

How do you balance being a coach and everything else?

Balancing being a coach with other responsibilities can be challenging, but it is crucial to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Here are some tips that have helped me achieve balance:

  1. Prioritize your time: Make a list of all the tasks you need to complete and prioritize them based on their importance and urgency. Focus on completing the critical tasks first, and then move on to the less urgent ones.
  2. Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between your coaching responsibilities and your personal life. This may mean setting specific times for coaching sessions, saying no to additional coaching work when you are already busy, and delegating tasks where possible.
  3. Practice self-care: Make time for self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones. Taking care of yourself will help you stay energized and focused.
  4. Be flexible: Recognize that there will be times when unexpected events and emergencies arise and you may need to adjust your schedule or priorities. Be flexible and willing to adapt to changing circumstances.

Remember that achieving balance is an ongoing process that requires mindful attention and effort. By implementing these tips, one can create a more harmonious balance between their coaching responsibilities and other aspects of their lives.

What’s your message to other aspiring female coaches?

Firstly, it’s important to believe in yourself and your abilities as a coach. Confidence is key to success in any field, and coaching is no exception. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you don’t belong in the coaching world just because of your gender.

Secondly, seek out mentorship and support from other coaches who have experience and knowledge about football. Networking and building relationships with other coaches is very important, as it can provide valuable opportunities for learning and growth.

Thirdly, to continuously work on improving your coaching skills and knowledge as a coach, always be open-minded. Attend coaching clinics, read books and articles on coaching, and stay up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in football, as it also helps you connect more with your athletes.

Lastly, be a positive role model for your athletes and those around you. Show them that women can be successful coaches and leaders in sports, and inspire other women to pursue their own dreams and goals.

Remember, being a coach is about helping others achieve their full potential and reach their goals, regardless of gender. Keep that in mind and continue to work hard, and you can achieve great things as a female coach. Be Relentless!!



Tura Magic Ladies FC and Brave Gladiators Defender Lovisa Mulunga sat down with SRSM for a candid conversation about her life.

All you need to know about the witty Defender:

How did you become a football player?

Yoh, I honestly just saw boys playing with a ball, and I was drawn to it, and that’s how the love began, and the rest is history.

What do you think makes football different from other sports?

Football really unites; it brings people from different ethnic backgrounds and different socio-economic backgrounds together, and through this unity, sisterhood and brotherhood are formed.

What do you love most about football?

I love that I can be my most authentic self, that football brings joy to my heart, and that I can happily do something that I’m passionate about.

What was the most difficult part of your journey to becoming a football player?

The difficult part was being categorized (called all sorts of names like I am an LB or gay because of the sport that I play). It sort of gets to your head, especially if you are not mentally strong, but I am glad I overcame that before I reached the peak of my career.

What was the best advice anyone ever gave you about playing football?

Someone once said, “Remember why you started. And I think that statement constantly gives me the motivation to continue playing the game that I so love. Moreso, it sort of tells me in a way that I should not listen to what people tell me but rather focus on what I have to tell myself.

Is there anything you do differently now that you’re an experienced player compared to when you first started?

Not much has really changed; principles are still the same, but I think maybe it’s just that when you grow, you learn to deal with different personalities in a friendlier manner compared to the past, where we just talked to one another in whatever way.

Who has been the biggest influence on your career?

Influence came from so many sides. My mom has been a positive influence because she has never questioned my passion, and all my former coaches were all very influential, so to leave out some people would be an injustice to them.

What do you think is the most important quality for a successful football player?

Discipline goes without saying. A disciplined player is highly likely to make it in a football career compared to one that lacks the fundamental quality.

What do you think sets your team apart from other teams in the league?

What sets us apart is our fighting spirit; we always fight till the very end to make sure we get the result that we want.

Who’s your favorite soccer player, and why?

Abby Wambach, the former soccer player and captain of the US national team, is my favorite footballer; her fearless and strong character drew me to her, and I always saw myself in her when watching her play.

What’s your favorite position to play?

My favorite position would be right back; however, I have grown fond of the central back position.

Who’s your favorite teammate, and why?

My favorite Agnes Kauzuu is one player with an extraordinary personality; she motivates and encourages us to constantly believe in ourselves and reminds us of the abilities that we possess, and that is why I find her to be my favorite teammate both on and off the pitch.

Do you have any pregame rituals or superstitions?

Funny enough, yeah, I do have a ritual. When I am at the training field and I train really well, I make sure the bra I wear that day is the same one I wear during match day, and for some reason it works, and there’s a saying that says, “Why change something that works? So, I’m sticking to that until it proves me otherwise.

Do you have any rivals on other teams that you enjoy playing against?

This season is extremely competitive; all the teams came on here to show their A-games, but one of the few teams that I enjoy playing against is definitely Galz and Goals. The momentum, aggression, and eagerness to win from both teams are immaculate.

How do you stay motivated during long seasons or when the results aren’t going your way?

When things don’t go well, that’s when we try to stay most motivated. We speak to one another and just remind ourselves that this is not the end of it. Let’s push through, learn from the mistakes we have made, and approach the next match with a positive attitude.

How do you stay in shape during the offseason?

Staying in shape during the off-season requires a lot of discipline, and sometimes I lose track, but I mostly try to play in tournaments; if there aren’t any, I go to a complex jog with my neighbors.

Do you have any other hobbies or interests outside of football?

I’m a lover of athletics, and I think that would’ve been something I’d have considered if I wasn’t a footballer. I recently went to watch the NSSU national championships at Independence Stadium, and I was so impressed by the athletes from different regions that I felt like I wanted to join in.

Do you follow any other sports besides soccer? If so, which ones?

I follow athletics, but I’m starting to show some interest in cricket, so I will be on the lookout for some cricket matches.

What accomplishment in your football career are you most proud of?

There are quite a number of great achievements that I would say I’m really proud of, but I think the two main ones are definitely being part of the AFCON team in 2014 and being selected as the player of the season.

How would you like to be remembered as a football player?

I definitely want to be remembered as the player who always strives to make a difference both on and off the field. And not only that, but also to be remembered as someone who contributed to women’s football in Namibia.



By: Leena Ndakevandjo

Unam Bokkies defeated Ramblers 5-1 in their opening match of the season at Unam stadium on Saturday.

Taotago afrikaner (1), Muhinatjo hanavi (2),Hanna  (3), Vekendisa Ujaha (4),Piya Rodca (5) all scored for the team resulting in a victory.

Hanavi stated that, it has indeed been a great season so far, although the game was a bit intense.

“We are greatful that we scored”, She said.

She further stated that it was an intensive game for the team, but eventually they brought their A game to the game.

Coach Thuba of Unam bokkies said it has been indeed good to see the Girls figure out their position, movement and passes, since this match has been their first in the league.

“I am happy with the outcome”, She added.

Thuba further stated that they have signed about 5 new players, including Hanavi Muhinatjo who is also part of the national team.

Results for Saturday:

 Nust Fc 1-3 Beauties Fc

V-Power Angels Fc 7-1 Okahandja Fc

Omaheke Queens Fc 0-7 Ongwediva Queens

Unam bokkies Fc 5-1 Ramblers Angels

Khomas Nampol Fc 5- 2 Namib daughters Fc

Girls and Goals 3-1 Arrow ladies


Unstoppable Girls & Goals Defeat Arrow ladies

By: Leena Ndakevondjo

The second round of the FNB Women Supers League had about 12 teams competing last weekend.

 Girls & Goals managed to beat Arrow ladies last weekend at the NFA technical centre in 3-1.

The first 2 Goals came from Tjimunene Ndjavera who scored 2 Goals. The number 4 managed to score another Goal within 2 minutes after the first goal, meanwhile Simataa Ntwala scored a Goal for the Arrow ladies during the second half of the game.

Mammie Kasaona who scored the 3rd Goal for the Girls &Goals said that not only was the game intensive, but Massive as well since the ladies are physically fit.

Photo: Contributed

“It was a massive win, but we managed to utilise the only chance we got”, She said.

As an experienced player Kasaona was relieved after scoring as she highlights that she wanted to  show the young ones how it’s done.

  Laimi Jacob from the Arrow ladies stated that it has indeed been a challenging game that they have had so far, as the other opponents came prepared for them.

“We win some, we loose some”, she said.

She further explained that they have not experienced any challenges, it was just not their day.

Players such as Selma Enkali, got out on a knee injury after the first half, 2 yellow cards were given during the game each from both teams .   


FNB Women Super League returns

A thrilling numbers of fixtures lineup for this weekend in the much anticipated FNB Women Super League this weekend.

The league, which launched last week, announced FNB as their official sponsor, pledging a total of N$7.5 million for three years. 

The league features 14 teams from Ongwediva, Swakopmund, Okahandja, Gobabis, and Windhoek. The fixtures for the weekend were revealed yesterday after the draw held at the Namibia Football Association (NFA) house in the capital.

During the event, Shama Gure, the head coach of Tura Magic Ladies, expressed excitement for the return of the league. He emphasized the importance of this initiative in elevating the quality of the national women’s team and expressed gratitude to the sponsors for the opportunity it provides for young girls to get back on the field. 

“We are delighted and grateful for the sponsors. This initiative provides an opportunity for young girls to get back on the field, and we appreciate the effort put into making this a reality. I eagerly anticipate the weekend’s games and look forward to the level of competition other teams will bring on the field,” he said.

Similarly, Ronnie Hoxopep the coach of Girls and Goals expressed his enthusiasm and readiness for the opening fixtures on Saturday. His team has been training, and he believes they are well-prepared for the weekend. He expressed his team’s determination to build on their success from the previous season.

“I am thrilled to say that my team has been training hard and I’m confident that they’re ready for this weekend’s games. We have put in a lot of work, and we are eager to continue from where we left off last season,” he said.

Below are the weekend fixtures:

Ongwediva Queens vs Ramblers 

Tura Magic vs Right Way Ladies

Beauties vs Okahandja

NUST babes vs V-Power 

Namib Daughters vs Arrows Ladies

Khomas Nampol vs Galz and Goals 

Omaheke Queens vs Unam Bokkies


Leading in football through passion and faith.

By-Nancy N. Halweendo

Helvi Eliakim, former Namibia Senior Women national team Captain and defender, is not only gifted with exceptional football skills, but is an excellent academic performer as well. She forms part of the team of women with careers off the pitch, and killing both roles with pride and honour.

Hear me out, the multi-gifted Eliakim is currently an NFA, COSAFA and CAF General Coordinator [GC] and the U23 Men National Team Manager. She is a professional Mathematics and German teacher, a former Confederation of Colleges & Universities of Southern Africa Student Representative, served as a Central School Sports League Administrator and Union Secretary General, was the U15, U17, U20 and Senior Women National Teams Manager, and an ex-Sport Commission Vice Chairperson for Khomas Region. While we are here, let me bring it to your attention that she is also part of a selected group that led the FIFA E-Connect training programme.

During her playing years, Eliakim was described as a tough opponent, a fearless and a hard-tackling defender, who also flourished in other sports codes like javelin and 200m athletics. In 2007, she bagged the Sportswoman of the year at the Windhoek College of Education, where she later obtained her teaching qualification.

A persisting knee injury forced her into retirement from football twelve [12] years ago, after undergoing her second knee AC ligament reconstruction in 2010. She has since had a third operation done on her knee in 2020.

The former captain says she was drawn to organising and managing, which encouraged her to advance both her knowledge and skills, leading to her landing the GC role.

“Prior to becoming a GC, I served in various administrative positions in sport. I made it a priority to attend FIFA and CAF administrative and Football coordinating courses and workshops and today, that commitment has paid off.”

She is currently the only Namibian woman serving in that position nationwide, which she says is nowhere close to being a good number for women representation in that capacity.

“We have a GC trainee, Ms Joanitha Gowases, but it would be great to have more women General Coordinators in Namibia. Countries like South Africa have a great number of women serving in that role and I think it would serve us well to emulate that.”

More on the former Football Star:

Do you serve in any other role; Sport, Profession, Academic?

“I am the chairperson of the Girls Football Academy. No current academic roles however, I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Management from the University of Science and Technology [NUST] and a Business Administration Diploma from the University of Namibia [UNAM].”

You have had quite a good year; worked with U23 men’s team and the Women’s Champions League. Take us through your experience?

“Oh! What a blessed year it has been! It started off with my first assignment as a General Coordinator for the Men CAF Champions League match, Al Ahly vs Al Hilal, in Cairo, Egypt. Thereafter, I was assigned as one of the two General Coordinators for the COSAFA Senior Women Championship in South Africa, for the 3rd consecutive year, followed by an assignment to Angola as the team manager of the national U23 men team.”

“I love to refer to the assignment that followed as the “cherry on top of the cake”, because it is my greatest assignment this far. I was one of the four General Coordinators for the 2nd Edition of the CAF Women Champions League Tournament in Morocco, a major stepping stone in my career.”

“The exposure has been great and I have gained massive experience. All assignments played a significant role, but my experience at the CAF Women Champions League is close to none, and will forever have a place in my heart. I was part of a great team, and worked with amazing people with whom I shared fantastic football moments. This year showed me that my hard work is paying off, and will hopefully serve as a steppingstone for future CAF call-ups, such as the AFCON, WAFCON, and hopefully, even FIFA championships.”

What keeps you going?

“God! I know I can do all things through God who strengthens me, and concur with the saying ‘Those who can kneel down for the Lord, can stand up to anything’.”

Let’s talk principles; what is your personal philosophy?

“Impossible is only a dare.”

What would your best advice to the girl child be?

“The first would be to never give up hope. Dreams do come true, and I am a living proof of that. I have not ticked all my boxes yet however, I am far from where I started. I firmly believe that someday, God willing, I will achieve it all. Lastly, they say discipline, dedication and respect are key factors, but I believe patience and passion are virtues which are absolutely essential.”

As we conclude our interview, what are your last words?

“I am a firm believer that if you have knowledge, pass it on to those in need, and always do for others what you want them to do for you.”


Encouraging the girl child to be sporty.

By: Nancy N. Halweendo

Name the sport code, and you’re most likely to see Virginia Kujandeka killing it in the forefront of the fitness department, from Netball to Athletics and football, Rugby, Swimming, Basketball, and even Hockey.

A sports Fitness & Conditioning coach and Physical Education [PE] teacher, the coach is one of the eleven [11] women who successfully completed a FIFA Grassroots Coaching course this month, with FIFA Technical Expert, Zunaid Mall, at the Namibia Football Association in the country’s capital.

The charismatic coach who creates a safe space for young girls to play sports at school, believes a coach must be positive, enthusiastic and passionate about the role they play and therefore, should make it a priority to act and speak in a way that inspires children to take on the challenge of becoming great leaders and sports people.

“Sport has been proven to be a great aspect in child development. It helps improve their mindsets and their game playing abilities, and also aids in instilling focus and discipline, which are fundamental skills they take with as they grow into professional athletes and exemplary individuals in society.” says Kujandeka.

Apart from physical training, Kujandeka says she uses her knowledge and experience to try and reshape views and misconceptions surrounding women in sport.

 “Working with different age groups, I strive to teach both women and men the value of discipline, resilience and confidence. Women especially, need to work together and write their own history, which can only be achieved through collective effort.” She states

Kujandeka hailed women in sport for doing a “lekka” job at defying gender stereotypes in competitions regarded “too manly” for women and inspiring young girls to be go-getters and mentors of growth for the next generation of girls.

“I think this Magazine is a great initiative that promotes women through highlighting their efforts and achievements. If we want to get more girls to participate in sport, we have to start by creating more platforms that give a voice to women.”

Speaking on empowering the girl child, the young coach says “development course are always a great platform to meet new coaches, share and learn new skills and ways in which to inspire the young ones to become influential people in society and aid in strengthening community bonds.”


Get to know a former star: Exclusive interview with former Brave Gladiators Skipper.

By: Nancy N. Halweendo

Combine consistency, dedication and talent and I tell you now, you will get Leandri Lucas!! Yes, at times her dribbles didn’t end in a celebration, but like the late Corry Ihuhua would say, Lucas was a knack of scoring goals at will.

In a get to know a former star interview with SRSM, the masterful educator chats about hanging up her boots, the transition from player to coach and giving back to her community. Let’s go!!

Age: 33

Profession: Teacher

Region: Erongo

Fun fact:

Only Brave Gladiators player to ever score against Nigeria.

Who plays the most important role in your life?

My Mother passed on last year, so I would say my Father.

Tell us a bit more about Leandri; where did she grow up and when did she start playing football?

Well, I grew up in Rehoboth and I was very close to my brothers, so at the age of five, I was already a street soccer player, as we called it back then. [Laughs].

Who inspired you to play

I guess the right answer here would be my family’s love and support. They always allowed me to pursue whatever I was good at, and growing up, football was one of those things. They have been a great pillar of support, especially my Father.

Did you show interest or get involved in any other sport, or have you always been strictly a football girl?

I have always loved sports. In primary, I participated in athletics and netball, and later had a whole sports program in high school, adding football and hockey to the list.

When did you hang your boots and why?

I hung my boots in 2010. My parents were very strict on education because they wanted nothing short of the best for and from us, and personally, my education came first before anything else. I took the decision to stop playing and focus on my studies.

What has been your  greatest career highlight.

My greatest highlight was starting the Walvisbay Girls Football School League, which runs to this very day. [Smiles]

What has been your greatest lowlight to date?

Strange, but I don’t really have one. The closest I have to a lowlight is probably the challenge of being a female footballer back then, in a male dominated sport code.

You mentioned the challenge of being a lady footballer. How did you manage to be a great player and captain despite all the challenges?

Resilience and determination. I set targets and goals and strived to achieve them the best way I could. I always found a way to overcome and keep going.

Who is the toughest opponent you have played against both locally and internationally?

Locally: Okahandja Beauties

Internationally: Nigeria

Let’s fast forward to 2022. How did you find yourself in the coaching department?

I’ve been a player for almost 15 years and while playing, I identified a need for educators in my region [Erongo]. Now at 33, I am coaching in Walvisbay and giving back to my community.

How different is Coaching from playing?

[Breathes deeply] Shuuu! Coaching and playing are two different activities. Being a coach comes with more responsibilities and constantly leading by example. The only thing we did as players was show and train. [Laughs]

How active is women football in your region?

Football activity went down since the pandemic outbreak in 2020, but the School league has since kicked off. We now wait on the Regional leagues.

Who’s your current favorite local female football star?

Kylie Van Wyk

What distinguishes Kylie from the rest?

She is young, talented and has great potential.

Do you think women football in Namibia has progressed since you first started playing?

Definitely. There is significant change in women football development in the country. Current players are exposed to more and better resources than we were, there are more women football clubs, development programs, and even facilities like gyms have improved and increased.

What are some of the positive changes you would like to see?

It would be great to see women footballers getting actual salaries from playing league football.

Does women football in Namibia get sufficient support and media coverage to keep it alive?

Not at all. We need both; more media coverage and support.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learnt from working with kids aspiring to become footballers?

To always be active, vigilant and fun because kids learn faster and with ease, when they can enjoy the sessions.

How important are football development courses in empowering women in sports in the country?

 I would say very important because it gives us [women] a sense of belonging and is a good platform for engagements dedicated towards making significant changes in our societies.

What would you do differently for women in sports?

I would suggest hosting a coaching courses just for women in sport in the country. It will give us unity and help us have a better understanding of the roles we play as women in our respective sports codes.

Rugby Soccer

Women slaying in sports: Exclusive interview with multi-sportswoman, Yvonne Kooper.

By: Nancy Halweendo

Well known in the streets of Mariental, where she caused havoc with her mad skill and talent on the football pitch, the twenty-three-year-old is arguably one of the finest sportswomen in the sport of football and Rugby.

In an exclusive interview with SRSM, the reserved Kooper unpacks her love for sports, a range of issues affecting women in the sports industry, and some of her highlights for the year.

When did you realize your love for sports?

It started off as just a game and I later got attached. I was born on a small farm called Dawed close to Maltahohe, but I later moved from there and grew up in Mariental where the majority of the kids you would find in the streets with a ball, were boys. By the age of fourteen, I was the only girl playing football with guys and I knew I wanted to do this for much longer.

What teams have you played for and were you involved in any other extra-curricular activities?

I was a fine athlete growing up. Started off at school and later competed regionally and at the national level.

Football: I have represented my region [Hardap] during regional games, and only ever played for Tura Magic Football Club Ladies.
Rugby: I played for Danie Joubert Combined School, Rehoboth Rugby Club, and now for Trustco United Rugby Club.

When you tell people you play Rugby or Football, what is their most common reaction and why do you think this is?
[Laughs] They are normally shocked because of my height and body size, especially when I mention Rugby. I think we haven’t normalized women of different sizes playing a sport like rugby which is usually played by bigger people.

You’ve played football for 9 years. What made you first get into Rugby and what has made you stick to it?
At seventeen, I tried Rugby out at the Danie Joubert Combined School in Mariental, and I enjoyed it so I decided to take it on as a sport and also because I love taking on new challenges. I joined Trustco United Rugby Club in 2022 and it’s great. I’ve met new players with different personalities and body sizes and I have become more confident in the sports I play despite my size.

What do you love most about being a sportswoman?

Being an inspiration to a young girl somewhere out there. Football and Rugby were mainly for men, but we [women] now play both perfectly which only proves that women can participate and perform well in any given sport.

What do you believe is the greatest challenge most sportswomen face today?
Discrimination is our greatest challenge. We are discriminated for almost everything, even things we have no control over like our body sizes. And don’t lose a match, coz now you will get hurtful comments directed at your choice of sport because there’s still a belief that women should only play “lady-like” sports.

Which strengths do you believe you have that make you a great sportswoman?

I have speed and I am committed. I have a small body, but a big heart which proves the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover.” These make me a great sportswoman.

How do you manage your sports responsibilities and recreational life?

I am focused on my goals. I manage my responsibilities and still find time to relax.

Talk to us about some of your major highlights and achievements in sports this year.

Football: Playing Cosafa Women’s Champions Cup, where i scored a brace against Eswatini, and the friendly match we [ Namibia senior women national team] played against Botswana’s Senior Women Team on their Independence Day, where I scored the only goal.

Rugby: Definitely the Nationals 7’s tournament in Lesotho early this year in January. I was awarded the most valuable player of the tournament. I also got the most try-scorer award and the 2022 sportswoman of the year for my club, Trustco United.

Playing against the Springbok Women’s Team and the Zimbabwe Women’s Team in June this year in Cape Town, was also amazing.

What’s the greatest lesson you learned from your experiences both in Football and Rugby?

Teamwork is a major component in sports. I will not be able to perform as well as I do, or even score if my teammates and I do not work together.

If you could improve or change one thing for women in sports, what would it be?

Equal treatment. Why can’t we be treated equally when we play the same sport??

Who do you look up to as a role model and why?
[Smiles] I look up to Kylian Mbappe. He is a remarkable player with exceptional speed, renowned for his dribbling and finishing skills, and we play the same position [right wing].
Any last words to young girls thinking of getting into sports?
If you believe you can do it, why stop yourself? You believe in it, so it is possible!!


Namibia Scoops Gold in Detroit

Land of the Brave’s Special Gladiators distinguished themselves at the Special Olympics Unified Cup division 3 when they defeated the United Arab Emirates 3-0 to walk away with gold accolades.

Motjaritje Tjaveondja and Angeline Sihova teamed up to walk Namibia to victory; Tjaveondja with a brace and Sihova closed off the scoreline in the second half for a sweet debut experience.

Powered by Toyota, the Unified cup featured 24 nations and about 300 footballers.

According to Special Olympics, the Unified Cup “Shatters preconceived attitudes about the potential of athletes with intellectual disabilities, on and off the field of play.” and aimed to “Show the world the power sport has to build and shape diverse communities, unite and empower people of all abilities, from all backgrounds.”

Special Gladiators were Coached by Eliaser Amuthitu, with Lolo Goraseb as the Assistant Coach, and Captained by Vitjituaije Master.

The winning squad : Vitjituaije Master , Fololian Hikuafelua, Kavemumuine Kambai, Unao Karipata, Motjaritje Tjaveondja, Angeline Sihova, Uundamuje Mbaisa, Uasora Mengo, , Anna-Ida Somses, Okeri Haakurua, Kristofina Benyameni.

-Article contributed by Nancy N. Halweendo