
Janneth !Goases a Queen amongst Kings

by Julia Nekwaya

Janneth !Goases is a multi-talented Namibian sports anchor, producer, and actress who has made a name for herself in the Namibian sports industry. With her exceptional skills and passion for communication, she has become a prominent figure in the Namibian Broadcasting Cooperation, where she works as a producer. Janneth is also known for her outstanding performance in the popular show 3rd Will, where she showcases her acting prowess.

As a communications graduate, Janneth has honed her skills in various fields of media production, including journalism, broadcasting, and film production. Her dedication to her craft has earned her numerous accolades and recognition from both her peers and the public.

Janneth’s journey to success has not been without challenges. However, her resilience and determination have seen her overcome every obstacle that has come her way. She continues to inspire many young people in Namibia and beyond to pursue their dreams relentlessly.

What inspired you to pursue a career in sports production, and how did you get your start in the industry?

So, I wasn’t a sporty girl to begin with. When I completed my media studies in media and television studies at the College of the Arts years ago, I landed at the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation. I ended up being placed in the sports department, and I was like, “What the heck? Why??? Noo🤣🤣

But just a few months in, it grew on me, and so the rest is history.

As a woman of color, have you faced any unique challenges or obstacles in your career? How have you overcome them?

Well, you will encounter challenges in any field, especially if you’re a woman. I would encounter already-established men sort of dismissing me or my questions when we had to conduct interviews or so on, but one thing that has led to me cementing my name in the industry is patience! Don’t rush the process; don’t get intimidated; it’ll all fall into place at the right time. I’m living proof that when it’s meant for you, no one can stop it!

What do you believe sets NBC Sports Desk apart from other sports media outlets, and how do you work to maintain that standard?

The Namibian Broadcasting Corporation aims to inform, educate, and entertain its viewers. I know that working under the NBC over the years has taught me many valuable lessons. What sets us apart is that most people know that if it’s not reported by us, it’s likely false information, and unless it’s verified by us, well, you know what that means. You can have a little camera around and stream, but NBC stands by quality over quantity.

Can you walk me through a typical day in your role as a sports producer?

There’s no single definition to it, but rather that you must be multi-skilled. You write news stories, you produce live productions, you are a product assistant, or you produce shows that air weekly or monthly. You must also be able to air programs that are externally sponsored, etc. Basically, you’re a superhuman.

What are some of the biggest challenges you face on a daily basis?

Guests cancel last minute, camera or technical staff doesn’t show up, technology fails—basically, never dismiss Murphy’s law.🤭

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the sports industry, and how do you incorporate that knowledge into your work at the NBC Sports Desk?

The internet is ever-evolving, and so a big part of staying updated for me means keeping up with all social media platforms and the changes that come with them. Keep discovering new ways. The world is your oyster.

What advice would you give to young women who aspire to pursue a career in sports production?

What are you waiting for? Get that degree, get the training, network, and always be open to learning. If you fail once, try again; slow progress is better than no progress!



By: Julia Nekwaya

Lydiana Nanamus is a multi-talented individual who has made a name for herself both in the world of sports and academics. Lydiana is a qualified chemist who also excels in football and rugby, representing both national teams.

In addition to her academic and sporting achievements, Lydiana is also a skilled tutor in mathematics, chemistry, and biology. Her passion for coaching has led her to obtain several coaching licenses, ranging from CAF-D to UEFA assistant coaching licenses. With her diverse range of talents and expertise, Lydiana Nanamus is an inspiration to many young girls who aspire to excel in multiple fields.

What inspired you to start playing football and rugby, and how did you get started in both sports?

The start of my football journey was not because I loved the sport; it was actually because I did not want to stay home on Saturdays and do household chores. I started playing in the Galz & Goals league because it was on Fridays and Saturdays. As time went on, I started loving football because I was able to find an escape from reality.

 As for rugby, I joined because my teammates, Ivone and Fiola, asked me to play. I started playing in March 2022 and realized I actually loved the sport and that it was a great way to express myself.

What challenges have you faced as a female athlete in Namibia, and how have you overcome them?

I think inequality, it’s something we are still fighting and a topic we all hope will not be an issue in the next few years. My mom raised me to speak up for what is right to firmly stand for what I believe in that is how I overcome inequality. I am a firm believer in doing what is right and being unapologetic in doing so.

Can you describe your training regimen and how you balance playing two different sports?

My life is so hectic, but I would rather be busy doing what I love than be bored all day. I gym in the mornings, then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have rugby practice,  and on Wednesdays and Thursdays I join football practice depending on the weekend schedules of my two teams. I always want to be in my best form because it prevents injuries, and I enjoy playing when I am fit.

 What has been the most memorable moment of your career so far, and why?

I actually have three.

After years of hard work, I finally got to play my first 90 minutes in the 2021 Cosafa Women’s Cup Clash against Zambia, and that feeling is still surreal.

The second one was in June 2022, just 3 months after joining rugby, I got the opportunity to represent our country. I played both matches and also had two of my best games in my debut year.

The third was when I got selected to represent Namibia as a mentee in the TAFISA Female Leaders of Tomorrow program through the Sports Commission. I presented my project on gender inequality on a global platform in Slovenia last June.

Who is Lydiana Nanamus, apart from being an athlete?

I am a certified chemist with an honors degree in applied chemistry obtained from the Namibia University of Science and Technology. In 2019, I opened an online business called Blackbird Namibia. My main aim was to provide quality items (clothing, jewelry, and electronic accessories) at an affordable price. I am also a mathematics, chemistry, and biology tutor. Apart from being a player, I am also a qualified coach with a number of coaching licenses, ranging from CAF-D to UEFA assistant coaching licenses.

How do you see the future of women’s sports in Namibia, and what role do you hope to play in that future?

I think we are moving in a positive direction with more women taking up space in our football leadership positions. I am also a coach, and I am working hard towards being one of the women who will make our football, if not the best, one of the best in the continent. I am definitely sticking around.



NDAWANA HAITEMBU is the new 100-meter national champion.

Haitembu made her mark at the Athletics Namibia Senior National Track & Field Championships, which took place over the past weekend at the Independence Stadium in Windhoek.

The 20-year-old 100- and 200-meter athlete became the 100-meter national champion, running her personal best of sub-12 to clinch gold on the day while Jade Nangula came in second and Johanna Ludgerus finished in third.

Haitembu is no stranger to the athletics circle and says this is just the beginning of an already exciting journey.

SRSM chats with the National Champion about her achievement and future in athletics.

When and where did your love for sports begin?

My late father, Daniel Haitembu, was an athlete and the previous record holder for the men’s 400m, a record that stood for 42 years. I inherited my talent from him; my love for sports began at an early age of 7 years.

When you started out, who were some of the women athletes that motivated you and why?

Shelly-Anne Fraser Pryce was one of my role models. I’ve always been in awe of her speed, especially out of the blocks. But what inspired me mostly was her massive comeback after giving birth, where she won gold at the World Championships. How she was able to break the narrative that women cannot return to sports the same after giving birth.

What do you love most about the athletic season?

I love that I am able to showcase the results of God’s grace and favor upon me, as well as the hard work I’ve been putting in.

What was the feeling like when you crossed the finishing line?

PROLIFIC, just as I am. I knew I had run sub-12 the moment I crossed the finish line, and my first thought was “Glory to God”. However, I was disappointed that there was a malfunction with the electronic timing, hence my official time wasn’t captured but only hand time.

How does it feel to win gold?

It still feels surreal, especially because I won gold with a massive new personal best.

Being an athlete requires discipline and dedication. How important is this when you are an athlete?

Being disciplined as an athlete is important as it builds your character, and as a result, you’re able to focus on your goals and fulfill them with minimal or no distractions.

Through dedication, one is able to reach their goals. The results you get are a result of your level of dedication to your sport.

What do you love about being a sportswoman?

I love that I am able to do what I love the most: glorify God and inspire upcoming athletes.

 Which strengths do you believe you have that make you a great sportswoman?

I believe my faith in God is my greatest strength. My level of greatness is solely because of His presence in my life, as all my strength comes from him.

What are some of the challenges you have faced, and how did you overcome them?

Last year, I had a hamstring injury that took a toll on my season, and in early February this year, I had a foot injury (plantar fasciitis), which resulted in me missing training and not competing in most of the competitions.

I overcame these challenges by staying rooted in the Word of God, speaking health upon myself, and having faith that I was well.

What’s the greatest lesson you have learned so far in your experience as an athlete?

I have learned to be expectant, to speak faith-filled words every day over myself and my career, and most importantly, to be patient and trust God’s timing.

What is your greatest ambition?

My greatest ambition is to see how far I can go with the power of God within me as well as to see people saved.

Apart from athletics, what else are you doing and how are you managing your time?

I am currently an intern at the Namibia Sport Commission and also a farm manager. I manage my time by prioritizing and not procrastinating.

If you could improve or change one thing for women in sports, what would it be?

It would definitely be body shaming of women in sports. It saddens me that our body types are a result of the hard work we put in every day towards reaching our goals, yet we are termed “too masculine or manlike. Yet these same bodies, with every distance, are proving to us that we are capable of more than we ever thought possible.

What are some of the highlights of your career?

Finally running under 12

– becoming the 100m National Champion

2021 u20 4x100m Relay Silver Medalist

2021 National 100m Bronze Medalist

2021 National 200-meter Bronze Medalist


Spar Marathon to cater for women

The annual 10km Spar Marathon will be held in Windhoek on April 23rd, but this year it’s exclusively for women, according to organizers who aim to empower women. 

The Sports officer in the Erongo Region, Berthold Karumendu, announced at the launch that they plan to grow the event as it has been done in South Africa. 

“I received a call from my Spar colleagues about reworking the event, as they wanted to change the race dynamic. I believe this is a great idea that would empower women, and I think it’s good to see this change,” he said.

The event will take place at the Wanderers Sports Field in the capital. Minister of Sports, Agnes Tjongarero, commended the initiative as a great start in empowering women and urged them to participate in the inaugural women-only event.

“I believe this is a great start, especially considering that a similar event in South Africa has become much larger. I think we are taking the same route, and this is a wonderful initiative overall. I encourage all women to participate in this fantastic opportunity,” she said.


Tjongarero urges women to participate in Nedbank cycling challenge 

Minister of Youth and Sports, Agnes Tjongarero, has encouraged women to participate in the 37th edition of the Nedbank National Cycling Challenge, set to take place in the coming week. 

During the launch of the event, Tjongarero highlighted that cycling is a sport that promotes gender equality and has the potential to greatly impact society if utilized properly.

Photo: Contributed

She emphasized the value it brings to healthy living and stated that increased participation from women would lead to a more diverse and better country.

“I want women to join this cycling challenge, it creates a healthy living and gender equality in sport, and that’s what Namibia wants to see. I think if we can have more women partaking it would lead to a better country and a society with diversity,” she said.

The Nedbank National Cycling Challenge is a highly regarded and well-attended event that draws cyclists from Namibia and beyond. Last year, the challenge saw approximately 700 participants, and the organizers aim to see a rise in numbers this year.

Photo: Contributed

JG van Graan, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Nedbank Namibia, stated that the event has been instrumental in encouraging women’s participation in sports and addressing issues of sports inequality in Namibia. 

He added that the desert dash was a success last year, with the first black women’s team finishing the race and receiving the same prize money as their male counterparts.

“Without a doubt, this competition has been one of those that have encouraged more women to compete in sports. We have a huge number of women and girls competing in this competition and this tells you have much of an impact it has on the society. We have also through our event managed to address the issues of sports inequality in Namibia which is beautiful to see,” he said 

This year’s competition will take place on February 12th.


The Nedbank Desert Dash Gears up for the Eighteenth edition

By: leena Ndakevondjo

The Nedbank Desert Dash will take place on 9 and 10 December 2022 and will see cyclists depart from the Windhoek Grove Mall on Friday, 9 December, and arrive at Swakopmund’s Platz A Meer on Saturday, 10 December.

 The Nedbank Desert Dash is the longest single-stage mountain bike race in the world, where cyclists are given 24 hours to complete the 397-kilometer races through the Khomas – Hochland Mountains and the Namib Desert, to the coastal town of Swakopmund.

Old Mutual Namibia sponsored the first ever all-black women’s team to participate. The team will consist of Vicky Dan, Winnie Mukupuki, Sofia Simon, and Jacky Shipena.

Old Mutual All Black Women Team: Photo contributed

The Dash will see about 21 female solo riders from different countries, who have entered into the finals, 14 entries for two person teams, 40 female entries of 4 persons team,

To date, there has never been a full participation of an all-black team in the Nedbank Desert Dash. The Old Mutual Namibia sponsored team aims to change this status quo and empower fellow female cycling enthusiasts.

Old Mutual Namibia’s sponsorship will assist the team to cover their accommodation, travelling and attire needs which will ensure they are at ease when they partake in the Nedbank Desert Dash.

During the media launch, Nedbank Namibia Chief Financial Officer, JG van Graan, reminisced on how the organisation of last years’ Nedbank Desert Dash was impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. “Last year, we were battling to overcome the challenges of organising sports events during the pandemic, and by divine grace, we are once again launching this epic event without any restrictions or measures to be concerned about – that is something truly to be grateful for and celebrate”, he mentioned.

This year, cyclists from 17 different countries will take part in this years’ Nedbank Desert Dash, namely Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, USA, Germany, Canada, Germany, Zimbabwe, UK – Britain, Australia, Italy, Switzerland, Botswana, Malawi, DR Congo, France, Austria.

The Nedbank Desert Dash is co-sponsored by Indongo Toyota, SuperSpar (Maerua and The Grove, and Hollard.



By: Joviita Kandjumbwa

A wonder WOMAN: At the young age of 14 Alethea Borman fell in love with body building a love inspired by her father who was a bodybuilder at the time, has sent her on a journey no Namibian woman has ever been on, a career spanning over 20 years and numerous achievements Borman retires from professional body building and takes over as the new IFBB Namibia President.

In an exclusive interview with SRSM Borman takes us through her journey of being the first and only Namibian Professional body builder to attain elite status and her plans to revive body building in Namibia and give young body builders the exposure they deserve.

Who is Alethea Borman?

Alethea Borman hails from the beautiful Land of the Brave, Namibia. A holder of 2 law degrees, B. Juiris and LLB from the University of Namibia.

My proudest moment during my university years was being selected as the best LLB law student of my class, in addition I am also an admitted legal practitioner in the High Court of Namibia with 18 years of experience as a legal professional. Currently I am the head of the Compliance, risk and Management department at the world’s 2nd largest uranium producing company, furthermore I am an executive member of the Namibian Women’s Lawyers association. 

Apart from my professional career, I loves sports. I hold national colours is Netball and the first and only Namibian to have ever won an international body building event, The Arnold Classics thus becoming the first ever IFBB Elite pro athlete for my country.

Lastly, I am also a mother of three (3) and happily married for more than 20 years.

What kind of influence did your family have in you choosing a path in sports?

Sport is merely my hobby. There is really no money in Professional body building in Namibia yet. . My dad used to be a body builder, my brother also competed in body building. I just fell in love with the sport at the age of 14 years and I just never stopped.  My husband and children are super supportive and were always by my side whenever I used to compete. I have since retired from professional body building and my focus now is to help Namibian athletes compete internationally. Although I have since retired I still keep fit and have turned to cross fit at the Swakopmund cross fit box.

Take us through your journey as a bodybuilder and the moment you decided to take it seriously and become a professional?

My first competition was at the tender age of 14 years. I had already decided then, this is my love. However body building died down and only in 2006 I decided to get back on stage and started preparing for Ms. Fitness South Africa.

Did you part-take in other sports or has it always been bodybuilding?

I hold National colours in Netball for the Namibia A under 20 team and was also the captain of that team the 2nd year of my selection. I also hold national colours in under 21 A Team for netball.

I was also good in athletics and right now I have an interest in cross fit which I do under the supervision of my coach, Jancke Rentel.

Being the only professional bodybuilder in Namibia, how has that impacted your life?

I think because of the low interest in the sport, I don’t think it had any major impact. There has never been any acknowledgement from my country at all for my achievements in the sport. However seeing as this is merely my hobby, I don’t think I took enough time to put it out there in the public.

Looking back at when you started bodybuilding what would you say are some of the major positive changes you have seen in the sport?

When I started, there was no competitions in Namibia. I had to travel to South Africa to compete and qualify. That has changed, there are now a couple of shows already being held here in Namibia, which is a plus. The sport is small and with more events coming up it can only increase the number of athletes, and improve their condition.

Congratulations on your appointment as President, what does it mean for you to achieve this milestone.

First I have to get the ball rolling and establish IFBB Namibia. I also need to get people who share my passion to help me with the management and events for the future.

What is your vision for bodybuilding in Namibia?

For it to be a platform where our athletes can show case their talent and take that talent and show the world the best of Namibian Body building.

What are some of the challenges that still need to be overcome for the sport to grow in Namibia?

I think the biggest challenge is understanding the sport and sponsorship. Body building in really still almost an unknown sport in Namibia but its only now starting to pick up. Sponsorship to host an event or even compete internationally is really hard to come by.

Is there still stigma towards women bodybuilders?

Off course. The first thing I always hear especially from women, is “I don’t want to look like a man”. “Honey” you have to train super hard, eat right and push some serious iron to even remotely look like that. A positive aspect though is that the sport itself has grown to accommodate more athletes and their physiques over the years.

Also the use of steroids is something that has always been strongly linked to the sport and the extreme muscularity of some women.

What does it take for a women to become a bodybuilder?

Hard hard work, commitment, discipline, consistency and a thick skin. A lot of people will want to steer you away, don’t listen wait until the results show.

Is there a huge interest for women to join bodybuilding? If no what are some of the common reasons to not partake?

There has been an increase in female participation. And I am overjoyed by this. Because of the inclusion of more divisions under woman, more women are seen entering the sport. I believe this sport will still grow bigger in Namibia.

What are the pros and cons of becoming a bodybuilder as a women?

PRO: the discipline, people stare they will stare a lot it’s not always a bad thing, the journey, the end result, making new friends, lessons learnt , example you become for others, you look good naked, and lastly you feel good.

Cons:  has to be the lack of support and understanding.

What categories are there for women in bodybuilding competitions and how are they judged? 

The categories are:

Beach Bikini, Fitness Bikini, Ladies wellness, body fitness, physique, and fit model

As a mom and wife, how did you juggle being an athlete as well?

I just don’t have a social life, (smiles). I think the recipe is not to think too much about where you get time. Make every minute count and cut out things that don’t add value to your life. So i don’t have time for TV or going out. My happy times are in the gym and with my children and family.

Do you think there is enough recognition for women in sports?

No. I think there is still a long way to go for equal recognition. Equal recognition does not only mean recognition as an athlete, but also in sponsorship and pay. So no. We still have a long way to go.

What is your advice for women who want to get into bodybuilding?

I want every woman to start with a healthy lifestyle. However if you want to compete, Set a date for your show and start planning. Every minute and every day counts. Become the best version of you.

Fun facts:

What most people don’t know about you: I am an introvert. I don’t like going out at all. I have a thing for tekkies.

Age: 43

Biggest achievement in bodybuilding: Won the 2018 Arnolds champs and awarded Elite Pro Card

Other achievements: some notable ones being the 2017 Western Province champion, 2014 International event – 4th at the amateur Olympia,   2016 – 2nd at the Arnolds (lost to a Russian athlete) and in 2017 at the IFBB World CHampions – 13th .

Role model:  Cory Everson

What is your diet like: Oats, egg white, chicken breast, rice and sweet patotoes, greens lots and of greens. Tuna (chilly ones are the best).

What is your favorite muscle group: the back.

To win a competition how long does it take to train: Depends on the amount of muscle you have, it can take from 1 year to 3 years.

“Body building has taught me discipline and consistency. What the sport teaches you, filters through to the rest of what you do and how you peruse things. I always try my best to give my best in anything I do.” Borman.


All Roads lead to Luderitz

The 2022 MTC NSC NASA Nominees Announced

By: Joviita Kandjumbwa 

Images: Contributed

The harbour town of Luderitz will host this year’s MTC NSC Namibia Annual Sports on the 19th of November at the Luderitz Waterfront Auditorium. 

The nominees for this year’s awards were unveiled last night during a special programme on NBC TV. 

13 women have been nominated in the various categories, with the big winner of last year’s Namibia Annual Sports Awards, Christine Mboma scooping two nominations for MTC NASA Sportswoman of the year and MTC NASA Junior Sportswoman of the year.

Commonwealth Bronze medalist and marathon runner Helalia Johannes has also been nominated in two categories, the MTC Sportswoman of the year and MTC NASA Star of the year, respectively.

While Cricket Namibia and the Namibia Rugby Union have been nominated in the NASA National federation of the year category.

Speaking at the occasion Chief administrator of the Namibia Sports Commission Freddy Mwiya emphasized on the importance of taking the awards to all the 14 regions.

 “Namibia is comprised of 14 regions with countless towns and Luderitz is one of the historical places in Namibian history, we at the Commission are indeed proud that this year we will make history with our little contribution and civil duty to position Luderitz and market it to the entire globe using sports tourism as a vehicle not only to market Luderitz but the land of the brave to the entire globe.” He said.

Tickets will be available to the public for N$ 500 and corporate tables well cost N$ 20 000. Tickets can be bought using the Standard Bank PayPulse or at the sports commission +264 61 246 105.

And the nominees are:


Athletic Namibia:  Christine Mboma

Athletic Namibia:  Helalia Johannes

Namibia Karate Federation: Pronk Suzelle


Namibia Equestrian Federation: Jenna Gilchrist

Athletic Namibia:  Mboma Christine

Athletic Namibia:  Tuane Silver


Namibia National Paralympic C:  Ishitile Lahja

Namibia National Paralympic C: Johanna Benson

Namibia National Paralympic C: Mushongo Kamuti


Namibia National Paralympic C: Kambai Kavemumuine

Namibia National Paralympic C: Lahja Ipinge

Special Olympics Namibia:         Lize Meyer


Special Olympic Namibia Unified Junior Sport Team


Namibia Football Association: Vistoria Shangula


Cricket Namibia Cricket Namibia

Namibia Rugby Union Namibia Rugby Union


Namibia Broadcasting Corporation: Matheus Hileni