
Janneth !Goases a Queen amongst Kings

by Julia Nekwaya

Janneth !Goases is a multi-talented Namibian sports anchor, producer, and actress who has made a name for herself in the Namibian sports industry. With her exceptional skills and passion for communication, she has become a prominent figure in the Namibian Broadcasting Cooperation, where she works as a producer. Janneth is also known for her outstanding performance in the popular show 3rd Will, where she showcases her acting prowess.

As a communications graduate, Janneth has honed her skills in various fields of media production, including journalism, broadcasting, and film production. Her dedication to her craft has earned her numerous accolades and recognition from both her peers and the public.

Janneth’s journey to success has not been without challenges. However, her resilience and determination have seen her overcome every obstacle that has come her way. She continues to inspire many young people in Namibia and beyond to pursue their dreams relentlessly.

What inspired you to pursue a career in sports production, and how did you get your start in the industry?

So, I wasn’t a sporty girl to begin with. When I completed my media studies in media and television studies at the College of the Arts years ago, I landed at the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation. I ended up being placed in the sports department, and I was like, “What the heck? Why??? Noo🤣🤣

But just a few months in, it grew on me, and so the rest is history.

As a woman of color, have you faced any unique challenges or obstacles in your career? How have you overcome them?

Well, you will encounter challenges in any field, especially if you’re a woman. I would encounter already-established men sort of dismissing me or my questions when we had to conduct interviews or so on, but one thing that has led to me cementing my name in the industry is patience! Don’t rush the process; don’t get intimidated; it’ll all fall into place at the right time. I’m living proof that when it’s meant for you, no one can stop it!

What do you believe sets NBC Sports Desk apart from other sports media outlets, and how do you work to maintain that standard?

The Namibian Broadcasting Corporation aims to inform, educate, and entertain its viewers. I know that working under the NBC over the years has taught me many valuable lessons. What sets us apart is that most people know that if it’s not reported by us, it’s likely false information, and unless it’s verified by us, well, you know what that means. You can have a little camera around and stream, but NBC stands by quality over quantity.

Can you walk me through a typical day in your role as a sports producer?

There’s no single definition to it, but rather that you must be multi-skilled. You write news stories, you produce live productions, you are a product assistant, or you produce shows that air weekly or monthly. You must also be able to air programs that are externally sponsored, etc. Basically, you’re a superhuman.

What are some of the biggest challenges you face on a daily basis?

Guests cancel last minute, camera or technical staff doesn’t show up, technology fails—basically, never dismiss Murphy’s law.🤭

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the sports industry, and how do you incorporate that knowledge into your work at the NBC Sports Desk?

The internet is ever-evolving, and so a big part of staying updated for me means keeping up with all social media platforms and the changes that come with them. Keep discovering new ways. The world is your oyster.

What advice would you give to young women who aspire to pursue a career in sports production?

What are you waiting for? Get that degree, get the training, network, and always be open to learning. If you fail once, try again; slow progress is better than no progress!



By: Julia Nekwaya

Lydiana Nanamus is a multi-talented individual who has made a name for herself both in the world of sports and academics. Lydiana is a qualified chemist who also excels in football and rugby, representing both national teams.

In addition to her academic and sporting achievements, Lydiana is also a skilled tutor in mathematics, chemistry, and biology. Her passion for coaching has led her to obtain several coaching licenses, ranging from CAF-D to UEFA assistant coaching licenses. With her diverse range of talents and expertise, Lydiana Nanamus is an inspiration to many young girls who aspire to excel in multiple fields.

What inspired you to start playing football and rugby, and how did you get started in both sports?

The start of my football journey was not because I loved the sport; it was actually because I did not want to stay home on Saturdays and do household chores. I started playing in the Galz & Goals league because it was on Fridays and Saturdays. As time went on, I started loving football because I was able to find an escape from reality.

 As for rugby, I joined because my teammates, Ivone and Fiola, asked me to play. I started playing in March 2022 and realized I actually loved the sport and that it was a great way to express myself.

What challenges have you faced as a female athlete in Namibia, and how have you overcome them?

I think inequality, it’s something we are still fighting and a topic we all hope will not be an issue in the next few years. My mom raised me to speak up for what is right to firmly stand for what I believe in that is how I overcome inequality. I am a firm believer in doing what is right and being unapologetic in doing so.

Can you describe your training regimen and how you balance playing two different sports?

My life is so hectic, but I would rather be busy doing what I love than be bored all day. I gym in the mornings, then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have rugby practice,  and on Wednesdays and Thursdays I join football practice depending on the weekend schedules of my two teams. I always want to be in my best form because it prevents injuries, and I enjoy playing when I am fit.

 What has been the most memorable moment of your career so far, and why?

I actually have three.

After years of hard work, I finally got to play my first 90 minutes in the 2021 Cosafa Women’s Cup Clash against Zambia, and that feeling is still surreal.

The second one was in June 2022, just 3 months after joining rugby, I got the opportunity to represent our country. I played both matches and also had two of my best games in my debut year.

The third was when I got selected to represent Namibia as a mentee in the TAFISA Female Leaders of Tomorrow program through the Sports Commission. I presented my project on gender inequality on a global platform in Slovenia last June.

Who is Lydiana Nanamus, apart from being an athlete?

I am a certified chemist with an honors degree in applied chemistry obtained from the Namibia University of Science and Technology. In 2019, I opened an online business called Blackbird Namibia. My main aim was to provide quality items (clothing, jewelry, and electronic accessories) at an affordable price. I am also a mathematics, chemistry, and biology tutor. Apart from being a player, I am also a qualified coach with a number of coaching licenses, ranging from CAF-D to UEFA assistant coaching licenses.

How do you see the future of women’s sports in Namibia, and what role do you hope to play in that future?

I think we are moving in a positive direction with more women taking up space in our football leadership positions. I am also a coach, and I am working hard towards being one of the women who will make our football, if not the best, one of the best in the continent. I am definitely sticking around.



By: Julia Nekwaya

Coming from a long line of athletes and a bloodline of prominent football stars such as Jamanuka Tjihero and Bimbo Tjihero, it is no surprise that Virginia Kujandeka Tjihero ventured into sports which eventually led to her being the conditioning coach for the Debmarine Namibia Premiership champions African Stars.

Tjihero, explained that some of the challenges she faced as a female coach of male team were gender bias as she was often viewed as less knowledgeable which translated into a lack of respect and trust from players and other coaches. Despite these challenges, she successfully coached a male team. With her determination, hard work, and a commitment to excellence, she become the First Namibian female coach to have won the Namibian premiership.

Tjihero speaks to SRSM about her journey and what keeps her going.

Thank you for chatting to us, what sparked your interest in sports, especially football?

My interest in sports began at a young age, often through participation in organised sports leagues and watching sports with family and friends. I found enjoyment in the physical activity, the challenge of competition, and the camaraderie of being part of a team. I used to do athletics and play netball throughout my high school years and still continued where I joined the Unam Athletics club where I was crowned the Namibian Senior National Shotput champion also the Senior National Champion for Botswana in 2018.

In the case of football specifically, I was drawn to the physicality and intensity of the sport, as well as the strategy and complexity of the game. I am part of the others that have grown up watching football with family or friends and developed a love for the sport over time.

I come from an amazingly talented sports family background. Shall I start with my mother? Theresia Kujandeka was an excellent netball player who played till her 50s. Now she is a huge football fanatic, and my dad, Jamanuka Tjihero, used to be a footballer back in his days together with his brothers Albert Tjihero and well-known Bimbo Tjihero, not to forget my cousin, our own hockey captain, Maggy Mengo. All in all, Coach Woody Jacobs showed me the roots and depth of football. He saw my work and has since kept pushing and motivating me to never stop as it defined me.

Sports can promote physical and mental health, build character, and bring people together across cultural and geographic boundaries.

What were your highlights this season?

It’s hard to pick a highlight because the players really played their hearts out in every game they played, with great maintenance, and there were very few injuries picked up throughout the season. African Stars players are mental monsters; I’ve watched them deal with every game calmly, passionately, and with experience, as most teams always played the hardest against us.

The players really saved the best for last with fascinating goals scored by remarkable players, so I would go with the crowning day. The little celebration dance I had with Dynamo was special and planned, of course; this group of players surely is extraordinary. This is African Stars! It’s hard to pick.

What challenges did you face as female coach of a male team?

One of the primary challenges that I faced as a female coach of a male team was gender bias. Some male athletes, coaches, and spectators may view women as less knowledgeable or capable than men when it comes to coaching male athletes. This bias can lead to a lack of respect and trust from players and other coaches, which can make it difficult to establish authority and build positive relationships, but the group of players I had were phenomenal or elite athletes. They allowed me to grow no matter my off days, and I appreciate them for that.

Despite these challenges, many female coaches have successfully coached male teams and have made significant contributions to the world of sports. With my determination, hard work, and a commitment to excellence, thus making me become the First Namibian female coach to have won the Namibian premiership, female coaches can overcome these challenges and achieve success in coaching male teams.

How do you balance being a coach and everything else?

Balancing being a coach with other responsibilities can be challenging, but it is crucial to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Here are some tips that have helped me achieve balance:

  1. Prioritize your time: Make a list of all the tasks you need to complete and prioritize them based on their importance and urgency. Focus on completing the critical tasks first, and then move on to the less urgent ones.
  2. Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between your coaching responsibilities and your personal life. This may mean setting specific times for coaching sessions, saying no to additional coaching work when you are already busy, and delegating tasks where possible.
  3. Practice self-care: Make time for self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones. Taking care of yourself will help you stay energized and focused.
  4. Be flexible: Recognize that there will be times when unexpected events and emergencies arise and you may need to adjust your schedule or priorities. Be flexible and willing to adapt to changing circumstances.

Remember that achieving balance is an ongoing process that requires mindful attention and effort. By implementing these tips, one can create a more harmonious balance between their coaching responsibilities and other aspects of their lives.

What’s your message to other aspiring female coaches?

Firstly, it’s important to believe in yourself and your abilities as a coach. Confidence is key to success in any field, and coaching is no exception. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you don’t belong in the coaching world just because of your gender.

Secondly, seek out mentorship and support from other coaches who have experience and knowledge about football. Networking and building relationships with other coaches is very important, as it can provide valuable opportunities for learning and growth.

Thirdly, to continuously work on improving your coaching skills and knowledge as a coach, always be open-minded. Attend coaching clinics, read books and articles on coaching, and stay up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in football, as it also helps you connect more with your athletes.

Lastly, be a positive role model for your athletes and those around you. Show them that women can be successful coaches and leaders in sports, and inspire other women to pursue their own dreams and goals.

Remember, being a coach is about helping others achieve their full potential and reach their goals, regardless of gender. Keep that in mind and continue to work hard, and you can achieve great things as a female coach. Be Relentless!!



Sune Wittman, a gifted 28-year-old athlete, has competed in six different sports, including hockey, netball, cricket, athletics, tent pegging, rugby, and triathlon. And she’s just getting started. There isn’t a sport under the sun that she can’t do. If she puts her mind to it, she’ll make it happen. This is the story of Sune Wittmann, who has excelled to the highest level while representing Namibia.

Thank you for chatting to us, how was your childhood?

Sporty! Haha! No, our parents raised us very strictly but gave us so many opportunities to try as many different sporting codes as possible. Giving us the chance to totally fall in love with what we do. The one thing my parents taught us from day one is that the day you stop enjoying the sport you’re doing, that is the day you stop doing it.

When did you realize your love for sports?

As a little kid already, I’ve been a sports person since the day I could walk, or that’s what I believe.

You have played in different sports codes; what drew you to each of them?

Every sport I’ve done was because I challenged myself to try and do it and to become better every time I went to a training session or had to represent the team that I’ve been playing for. Individual sport codes taught me so much self-discipline; it was lonely days, but every drop of sweat was worth it because I knew it was my hard yards that reaped the fruits. Team sports taught me so much about sportsmanship, respect, and how to be considered towards others, to be a shoulder and to know there is a shoulder when I need one, to be more than teammates but family!

What are the codes you have participated in, and what made you stop or move on to another code?

Tent pegging, netball, hockey, athletics, and cricket Tentpegging, unfortunately, came to a standstill in Namibia. Netball: I only played at school because my best friend asked me to please join the team in grade 5, and since then it has been our bonding time. Hockey was unfortunately one of those sports that I just didn’t find enjoyable, and because of that, I took a step back from it. In athletics, I’ve had two major shoulder operations and just didn’t have the time one needs to put into training, but it is definitely on my agenda to get back on the field in the near future.

When you tell people you are an all-around athlete, what’s their reaction?

Some actually get intimidated by it, while others think it’s pretty impressive.

You have recently embarked on a cricket journey; what made you choose cricket?

Cricket has been a part of my life since primary school, when I played in the school’s league with the boys. I took some time off it when I was going places with my athletics, but after my two shoulder operations, I got back into the game, and since then I have just grown from strength to strength.

You recently reached 50 T20I games; how does it feel to reach such a milestone?

It is honestly a very special feeling. Knowing very few people have reached such a milestone, but also having the opportunity to have represented Namibia with nothing less than my everything for 50+ games has been and continues to be an absolute honor.

Which has been your overall favorite sports code, and do you still find time to play it?

Every sport I did had its ups and downs; they all taught me life lessons and gave me opportunities to grow and make lifelong friendships. They opened and closed doors and helped me develop into the person I am today. So none in particular. Currently, I still play cricket and rugby, but if I had the time, I would do all of them again.

Which strengths do you believe make you a great sportswoman?

My mentality and commitment: I am mentally very strong and equally committed. If I put my mind to a new challenge, nothing is stopping me.

Talk to us about some of your major highlights and achievements in your sports career.

I represented my country in tent pegging, netball, hockey, athletics, and cricket. I’m a Junior World Champion in tent pegging (a horse riding event) and a Youth Commonwealth Gold Medalist in javelin (Isle of Man 2011). At the 2020 Kwibuka Cricket Tournament in Rwanda, I was named the batter of the series, and in 2021, I got the batter of the year award. The following year (2022), on the tour to Germany, I was named the player of the series. In October last year, I also completed a half Ironman in Durban, while playing rugby for the first time saw me get the award for best upcoming player of the year at Wanderers for the 2022 season.

Is there a sports code you have not played and would like to try out and why?

Motocross, I think that level of adrenaline is on a whole other level.

What sports do you regret not playing, and why?

Tennis: I think I have the hand-eye coordination to get the hang of it, but unfortunately, there was just never enough time for that as well.

Rugby, on the other hand, I do wish that I had discovered a lot sooner! Just because I like playing it, and I honestly think other doors could have been opened for me sooner, like possibly being selected to play for the national team.

What keeps you motivated?

The drive to be better than the person I see in the mirror every morning

How do you manage your sports responsibilities and recreational life?

Living a balanced life is very important, but at the same time, it is just as hard. I truly believe that putting in the hard yards is equally important as spending time with loved ones, friends, and family. So the answer is easy: make time for both; one can never be too busy.

What do you believe is the greatest challenge most sportswomen face today?

Personally, having to work to pay the bills while having to put in the hours on the field to be the best you could possibly be for your team is a big challenge, as being physically tired leads to being mentally and emotionally drained.

If you could improve or change one thing for women in sports, what would it be?

Exposure, opportunities, and equality I would like to see women and women’s sports in general get more exposure in the media or in terms of opportunities to further their careers if they so wish to do so. I hope for everyone to be treated as equals; women are just as good at what they do. Yes, we all fall into our separate categories, but in our league, we are just as good.

Who do you look up to as a role model, and why?

I honestly think I am my only motivation; I truly live to be better than the day before, not just in what I do (and in sport), but as a human being towards myself and the people my paths cross with daily.

If you had not chosen a career in sports, what would you have been?

I wish I had the opportunity to have chosen sport as my career, but after school I went on to study education (B.Ed. degree, 2014–2018) at the University of Potchefstroom. Whereafter I also did my Honors in Afrikaans (2019) at the University of Potchefstroom, and then I went on to complete my Master’s degree (2021) in Afrikaans at the University of Pretoria. Currently, I’m a secondary school teacher. I teach Afrikaans, but my dream job is to be a lecturer.



Tura Magic Ladies FC and Brave Gladiators Defender Lovisa Mulunga sat down with SRSM for a candid conversation about her life.

All you need to know about the witty Defender:

How did you become a football player?

Yoh, I honestly just saw boys playing with a ball, and I was drawn to it, and that’s how the love began, and the rest is history.

What do you think makes football different from other sports?

Football really unites; it brings people from different ethnic backgrounds and different socio-economic backgrounds together, and through this unity, sisterhood and brotherhood are formed.

What do you love most about football?

I love that I can be my most authentic self, that football brings joy to my heart, and that I can happily do something that I’m passionate about.

What was the most difficult part of your journey to becoming a football player?

The difficult part was being categorized (called all sorts of names like I am an LB or gay because of the sport that I play). It sort of gets to your head, especially if you are not mentally strong, but I am glad I overcame that before I reached the peak of my career.

What was the best advice anyone ever gave you about playing football?

Someone once said, “Remember why you started. And I think that statement constantly gives me the motivation to continue playing the game that I so love. Moreso, it sort of tells me in a way that I should not listen to what people tell me but rather focus on what I have to tell myself.

Is there anything you do differently now that you’re an experienced player compared to when you first started?

Not much has really changed; principles are still the same, but I think maybe it’s just that when you grow, you learn to deal with different personalities in a friendlier manner compared to the past, where we just talked to one another in whatever way.

Who has been the biggest influence on your career?

Influence came from so many sides. My mom has been a positive influence because she has never questioned my passion, and all my former coaches were all very influential, so to leave out some people would be an injustice to them.

What do you think is the most important quality for a successful football player?

Discipline goes without saying. A disciplined player is highly likely to make it in a football career compared to one that lacks the fundamental quality.

What do you think sets your team apart from other teams in the league?

What sets us apart is our fighting spirit; we always fight till the very end to make sure we get the result that we want.

Who’s your favorite soccer player, and why?

Abby Wambach, the former soccer player and captain of the US national team, is my favorite footballer; her fearless and strong character drew me to her, and I always saw myself in her when watching her play.

What’s your favorite position to play?

My favorite position would be right back; however, I have grown fond of the central back position.

Who’s your favorite teammate, and why?

My favorite Agnes Kauzuu is one player with an extraordinary personality; she motivates and encourages us to constantly believe in ourselves and reminds us of the abilities that we possess, and that is why I find her to be my favorite teammate both on and off the pitch.

Do you have any pregame rituals or superstitions?

Funny enough, yeah, I do have a ritual. When I am at the training field and I train really well, I make sure the bra I wear that day is the same one I wear during match day, and for some reason it works, and there’s a saying that says, “Why change something that works? So, I’m sticking to that until it proves me otherwise.

Do you have any rivals on other teams that you enjoy playing against?

This season is extremely competitive; all the teams came on here to show their A-games, but one of the few teams that I enjoy playing against is definitely Galz and Goals. The momentum, aggression, and eagerness to win from both teams are immaculate.

How do you stay motivated during long seasons or when the results aren’t going your way?

When things don’t go well, that’s when we try to stay most motivated. We speak to one another and just remind ourselves that this is not the end of it. Let’s push through, learn from the mistakes we have made, and approach the next match with a positive attitude.

How do you stay in shape during the offseason?

Staying in shape during the off-season requires a lot of discipline, and sometimes I lose track, but I mostly try to play in tournaments; if there aren’t any, I go to a complex jog with my neighbors.

Do you have any other hobbies or interests outside of football?

I’m a lover of athletics, and I think that would’ve been something I’d have considered if I wasn’t a footballer. I recently went to watch the NSSU national championships at Independence Stadium, and I was so impressed by the athletes from different regions that I felt like I wanted to join in.

Do you follow any other sports besides soccer? If so, which ones?

I follow athletics, but I’m starting to show some interest in cricket, so I will be on the lookout for some cricket matches.

What accomplishment in your football career are you most proud of?

There are quite a number of great achievements that I would say I’m really proud of, but I think the two main ones are definitely being part of the AFCON team in 2014 and being selected as the player of the season.

How would you like to be remembered as a football player?

I definitely want to be remembered as the player who always strives to make a difference both on and off the field. And not only that, but also to be remembered as someone who contributed to women’s football in Namibia.



Cricket Namibia, in collaboration with Capricorn Group, hosted the Capricorn Eagles Quadrangular T20 International Tournament, a week-long tournament that was played at the United Cricket Ground in Windhoek.

The Capricorn Eagles Quadrangular featured Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Uganda, who competed against the Namibian national side, affectionately known as the Capricorn Eagles.

Overall, Uganda came out on top, with Namibia coming in second. And the tournament’s brightest star was none other than Wilka Mwatile, a 22-year-old from Walvis Bay.

The youthful, gifted Mwatile was interviewed by SRSM on her outstanding performance and cricket path.

Thank you for chatting to us: How did you start playing cricket?

When I was 12 years old, I started playing cricket for fun during PE at Nara Primary School.

Have you ever considered becoming a professional cricket player?

Yes, when I was 16 years old, I always pictured myself playing cricket with pros one day.

Who inspired you to pursue cricket as a career?

Mauritius Ngupita and Ben Shikongo, we started playing cricket together in primary school. After that, they started traveling and seeing different countries, and I wanted to be traveling and seeing new places like them.

What difficulties did you face when you started your career?

Having to choose between school and cricket was a challenge for me.

Who do you consider as your inspiration?

Nicole Lofty-Eaton

Which format is your favorite? Test, ODI, T20?

So far, I have only played T20, but I prefer ODI.

Being called up to represent your country—what is the feeling like?

Representing my country in cricket is a huge achievement, as cricket is a sport that is followed passionately in many parts of the world. It is an honor and a privilege to wear my country’s colors and compete against other top-level cricketers from around the world.

Tell us about your first international game.

I hit my first four when I was in SA U16.

What does it mean to you that you were awarded the Quadrangular’s top player?

It means a lot to me, and it has given me more self-assurance as an all-rounder.

Which Quadrangular game did you enjoy watching the most?

First match against Uganda when I comfortably hit three sixes.

What would you still like to achieve in your career?

Looking forward to improving my stats with more runs and wickets.

What is your advice to 10-15 old kids who want to become cricketers?

Start with the basics: Focus on building a strong foundation of basic cricketing skills, such as batting, bowling, fielding, and wicket-keeping. Work with a coach or mentor who can help you develop good technique and form.

Practice consistently: Regular practice is key to improving your cricketing skills. Try to practice as often as you can, whether it’s with a team, with friends, or on your own.

Play matches: Playing matches is a great way to gain experience and improve your game. Join a local cricket club or school team and participate in matches and tournaments.

Watch and learn: Watch professional cricket matches and observe how the top players approach the game. Pay attention to their technique, tactics, and mind-set, and try to incorporate what you learn into your own game.

Stay fit and healthy. Cricket requires a high level of fitness and stamina. Make sure you stay in good physical condition by eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of rest, and engaging in regular exercise.

Be dedicated and disciplined. Becoming a successful cricketer takes time, effort, and dedication. Be prepared to work hard, stay focused, and persevere through setbacks and challenges.

Enjoy the game. Finally, remember that cricket is a fun and enjoyable sport. Don’t lose sight of the joy and passion that drew you to the game in the first place, and try to approach each practice and match with enthusiasm and a positive attitude.

Fun facts about the Eagles

Who is the entertainer in the team?

Yasmeen khan is the entertainer in the team.

Who listens to music mostly in the team?

Arasta Diergaardt is a music fan

Who in the team always surprises you on the field?

Didi foester and Mekelaye Mwatile surprise me a lot.



NDAWANA HAITEMBU is the new 100-meter national champion.

Haitembu made her mark at the Athletics Namibia Senior National Track & Field Championships, which took place over the past weekend at the Independence Stadium in Windhoek.

The 20-year-old 100- and 200-meter athlete became the 100-meter national champion, running her personal best of sub-12 to clinch gold on the day while Jade Nangula came in second and Johanna Ludgerus finished in third.

Haitembu is no stranger to the athletics circle and says this is just the beginning of an already exciting journey.

SRSM chats with the National Champion about her achievement and future in athletics.

When and where did your love for sports begin?

My late father, Daniel Haitembu, was an athlete and the previous record holder for the men’s 400m, a record that stood for 42 years. I inherited my talent from him; my love for sports began at an early age of 7 years.

When you started out, who were some of the women athletes that motivated you and why?

Shelly-Anne Fraser Pryce was one of my role models. I’ve always been in awe of her speed, especially out of the blocks. But what inspired me mostly was her massive comeback after giving birth, where she won gold at the World Championships. How she was able to break the narrative that women cannot return to sports the same after giving birth.

What do you love most about the athletic season?

I love that I am able to showcase the results of God’s grace and favor upon me, as well as the hard work I’ve been putting in.

What was the feeling like when you crossed the finishing line?

PROLIFIC, just as I am. I knew I had run sub-12 the moment I crossed the finish line, and my first thought was “Glory to God”. However, I was disappointed that there was a malfunction with the electronic timing, hence my official time wasn’t captured but only hand time.

How does it feel to win gold?

It still feels surreal, especially because I won gold with a massive new personal best.

Being an athlete requires discipline and dedication. How important is this when you are an athlete?

Being disciplined as an athlete is important as it builds your character, and as a result, you’re able to focus on your goals and fulfill them with minimal or no distractions.

Through dedication, one is able to reach their goals. The results you get are a result of your level of dedication to your sport.

What do you love about being a sportswoman?

I love that I am able to do what I love the most: glorify God and inspire upcoming athletes.

 Which strengths do you believe you have that make you a great sportswoman?

I believe my faith in God is my greatest strength. My level of greatness is solely because of His presence in my life, as all my strength comes from him.

What are some of the challenges you have faced, and how did you overcome them?

Last year, I had a hamstring injury that took a toll on my season, and in early February this year, I had a foot injury (plantar fasciitis), which resulted in me missing training and not competing in most of the competitions.

I overcame these challenges by staying rooted in the Word of God, speaking health upon myself, and having faith that I was well.

What’s the greatest lesson you have learned so far in your experience as an athlete?

I have learned to be expectant, to speak faith-filled words every day over myself and my career, and most importantly, to be patient and trust God’s timing.

What is your greatest ambition?

My greatest ambition is to see how far I can go with the power of God within me as well as to see people saved.

Apart from athletics, what else are you doing and how are you managing your time?

I am currently an intern at the Namibia Sport Commission and also a farm manager. I manage my time by prioritizing and not procrastinating.

If you could improve or change one thing for women in sports, what would it be?

It would definitely be body shaming of women in sports. It saddens me that our body types are a result of the hard work we put in every day towards reaching our goals, yet we are termed “too masculine or manlike. Yet these same bodies, with every distance, are proving to us that we are capable of more than we ever thought possible.

What are some of the highlights of your career?

Finally running under 12

– becoming the 100m National Champion

2021 u20 4x100m Relay Silver Medalist

2021 National 100m Bronze Medalist

2021 National 200-meter Bronze Medalist



Grace Matyayi received top honors at the recently concluded 21st edition of the Namibian Newspaper Cup which was held in the Otjozondjupa region. 

The 17-year-old, Grade 12 learner at Otjiwarongo Secondary School scooped the tournament’s Best Netball player, SRSM chats to Matyayi about her achievement and Netball journey. 


Thank you for chatting to us, please tell us about yourself and where you are from?

I am Grace Matyayi, a young cheerful person who loves to keep busy with school work or home chores when I am not playing netball. Born in Windhoek some 17 years ago and grew up in Okahandja, I am an enthusiastic person with a simple desire to just be happy. I am currently a Grade 12 Learner at Otjiwarongo Secondary School.

How was your childhood like?

I was born in a Christian family and my childhood was shaped by a great parental support system, who have always believed in the Lord as our redeemer. Perhaps that’s where the blessings come from. 

My childhood was very spectacular and fun, since I always liked to play soccer and netball in the streets of Okahandja with my friends and cousins or just playing any fun-sports, including all the type of childlike games such as hide and seek. 

Going to church on Sundays as well as on Saturdays for choir practice, remains a routine, including early morning church service during week days, these routines played a big role in shaping my childhood. In a nutshell my childhood was mostly about playing and running around. 

You were recently awarded the overall Best Netball Player at the Namibian Newspaper Cup, what does this mean to you?

This is a great honor and I am profoundly humbled, to receive the award for the second year in a row. It means a great deal to me because at that moment when I received the “Best Overall Player” award it was my believe that it’s a recognition for my hard work, commitment to sports and specifically the talent which I believe is God given. 

I’m grateful that I was chosen amongst 168 talented players. I believe it’s not only an individual effort but a combined effort, thanks to my team mates, my coach at school and Coach Marvelous Khaebes-Ochar for believing in me. It means a lot to me personally. 

What did it mean for you to represent Otjozondjupa Region?

Woow, Otjozondjupa is such a great region with vast landscapes and diverse communities and cultures. I feel privileged to play for and represent this beautiful region. 

It means a lot to me personally and I feel honored to be part of the great Otjozondjupa Netball Team. I just love to be here, it’s an oasis of great opportunities with one of the best schools, sport facilities especially in Otjiwarongo. Yes, what a privilege it is. 

What do you make of your region hosting and ending second at this year’s Newspaper cup?

We remain a great team and it was one of my best experiences so far, Otjozondjupa taking second place in the tournament is a great achievement.

 I say so because it is our first time to reach the final since we started participating in the Annual Namibian Newspaper Cup. 

Becoming second was not our goal or aim as a hosting regional team, in fact we prepared ourselves well, the coaches and the leadership of Otjozondjupa kept motivating us and pushed us to the edge, we practiced but I guess Khomas Region was just lucky the second time. 

It was the best opportunity for all sports lovers in Otjozondjupa. I felt so excited to be playing at home in Otjiwarongo and yes! the organization of the 21st Edition of the Namibian Newspaper Cup 2023 was top class, well organized and best of its kind thus far. The crowd was exciting, motivating and cheering on for us to play hard. We are a great team still and I enjoyed every moment. 

At what age did you start partaking in Netball and is this something you want to take to professional level?

 Actually, I come from a family lineage of sportsmen and women, my mother, my 4 aunties both were great netball players and athletes for local teams and company teams as well. In fact, one of my uncles Augustinus Matyayi played for a Premier League team “Cuca Tops” in the 80/90s as well as Civic Football Club in Windhoek. 

While I think this runs in the blood, my sports journey began from a Childhood level at home, I started at senior Primary while I was 9 years old. 

I also played for GW Secondary School in Okahandja and in 2021 I moved to Otjiwarongo Secondary School where I now play for the School Team and got scouted to represent Otjozondjupa Region last year 2022 in Oshakati and where I was selected last year to play for the Namibia Under 19 Netball National Team where we went to represent Namibia in Malawi in 2022. 

What did your family and friends make of your achievement?

They are highly proud, and they are very supportive off me to explore my talent, I am grateful for such a great circle of friends, teachers, coaches and family. 

They congratulated me and our regional team they blessed me with good compliment and gifts. 

What are some of your goals in life?

My goals in life are to serve the Lord and become a successful person in life. 

I plan to study hard to pass my Grade 12 this year and get a Scholarship to pursue my studies at home or abroad towards a graduate Degree. 

Secondly, to play netball for a reputable Premier League Team in the Country or abroad, as well as to represent Namibia with Netball National Team. 

How important is it for you to get an education?

My primary focus is my education because it plays a huge role in a person’s life. 

I believe that as a person your education and your sport must collaborate with each other. 

Education is important to me because I believe that it is the greatest equaliser to liberate the mind. If sports does not open doors for you then you will have your education by your side. 

Who inspires you?

I am inspired by the word of God, in the Bible and secondly by my parental support system. The people in my family circle that believes in me especially my mother who raised me. They are wonderful people. 

What is a quote you live by?

“If you want to live like a Queen, you will have to work like a slave”

What is your advice to young girls that want to play sports?

There are consequences that an athlete can face or go through in life, however, one must NEVER GIVE UP on chasing their dreams in life. No matter what the world will say about you whether good or bad, just focus on what you love to do. Put your Education first and while maintaining your commitment to sport which will help you with mental fitness. 

Remember, “Hard work beats Talent” 

Fun facts:

Favorite Namibian Netball player: Emily Kutako

Nickname: Emmy

Netball position: Goal Defender (GD)

Dream tournament to play in: The Netball World Cup

If you were not a Netball player you would be: I guess I would probably be a long distant Athletic or a sprinter, but it’s only God that knows.



By: Leena Ndakevandjo

Unam Bokkies defeated Ramblers 5-1 in their opening match of the season at Unam stadium on Saturday.

Taotago afrikaner (1), Muhinatjo hanavi (2),Hanna  (3), Vekendisa Ujaha (4),Piya Rodca (5) all scored for the team resulting in a victory.

Hanavi stated that, it has indeed been a great season so far, although the game was a bit intense.

“We are greatful that we scored”, She said.

She further stated that it was an intensive game for the team, but eventually they brought their A game to the game.

Coach Thuba of Unam bokkies said it has been indeed good to see the Girls figure out their position, movement and passes, since this match has been their first in the league.

“I am happy with the outcome”, She added.

Thuba further stated that they have signed about 5 new players, including Hanavi Muhinatjo who is also part of the national team.

Results for Saturday:

 Nust Fc 1-3 Beauties Fc

V-Power Angels Fc 7-1 Okahandja Fc

Omaheke Queens Fc 0-7 Ongwediva Queens

Unam bokkies Fc 5-1 Ramblers Angels

Khomas Nampol Fc 5- 2 Namib daughters Fc

Girls and Goals 3-1 Arrow ladies


Unstoppable Girls & Goals Defeat Arrow ladies

By: Leena Ndakevondjo

The second round of the FNB Women Supers League had about 12 teams competing last weekend.

 Girls & Goals managed to beat Arrow ladies last weekend at the NFA technical centre in 3-1.

The first 2 Goals came from Tjimunene Ndjavera who scored 2 Goals. The number 4 managed to score another Goal within 2 minutes after the first goal, meanwhile Simataa Ntwala scored a Goal for the Arrow ladies during the second half of the game.

Mammie Kasaona who scored the 3rd Goal for the Girls &Goals said that not only was the game intensive, but Massive as well since the ladies are physically fit.

Photo: Contributed

“It was a massive win, but we managed to utilise the only chance we got”, She said.

As an experienced player Kasaona was relieved after scoring as she highlights that she wanted to  show the young ones how it’s done.

  Laimi Jacob from the Arrow ladies stated that it has indeed been a challenging game that they have had so far, as the other opponents came prepared for them.

“We win some, we loose some”, she said.

She further explained that they have not experienced any challenges, it was just not their day.

Players such as Selma Enkali, got out on a knee injury after the first half, 2 yellow cards were given during the game each from both teams .