
Janneth !Goases a Queen amongst Kings

by Julia Nekwaya

Janneth !Goases is a multi-talented Namibian sports anchor, producer, and actress who has made a name for herself in the Namibian sports industry. With her exceptional skills and passion for communication, she has become a prominent figure in the Namibian Broadcasting Cooperation, where she works as a producer. Janneth is also known for her outstanding performance in the popular show 3rd Will, where she showcases her acting prowess.

As a communications graduate, Janneth has honed her skills in various fields of media production, including journalism, broadcasting, and film production. Her dedication to her craft has earned her numerous accolades and recognition from both her peers and the public.

Janneth’s journey to success has not been without challenges. However, her resilience and determination have seen her overcome every obstacle that has come her way. She continues to inspire many young people in Namibia and beyond to pursue their dreams relentlessly.

What inspired you to pursue a career in sports production, and how did you get your start in the industry?

So, I wasn’t a sporty girl to begin with. When I completed my media studies in media and television studies at the College of the Arts years ago, I landed at the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation. I ended up being placed in the sports department, and I was like, “What the heck? Why??? Noo🤣🤣

But just a few months in, it grew on me, and so the rest is history.

As a woman of color, have you faced any unique challenges or obstacles in your career? How have you overcome them?

Well, you will encounter challenges in any field, especially if you’re a woman. I would encounter already-established men sort of dismissing me or my questions when we had to conduct interviews or so on, but one thing that has led to me cementing my name in the industry is patience! Don’t rush the process; don’t get intimidated; it’ll all fall into place at the right time. I’m living proof that when it’s meant for you, no one can stop it!

What do you believe sets NBC Sports Desk apart from other sports media outlets, and how do you work to maintain that standard?

The Namibian Broadcasting Corporation aims to inform, educate, and entertain its viewers. I know that working under the NBC over the years has taught me many valuable lessons. What sets us apart is that most people know that if it’s not reported by us, it’s likely false information, and unless it’s verified by us, well, you know what that means. You can have a little camera around and stream, but NBC stands by quality over quantity.

Can you walk me through a typical day in your role as a sports producer?

There’s no single definition to it, but rather that you must be multi-skilled. You write news stories, you produce live productions, you are a product assistant, or you produce shows that air weekly or monthly. You must also be able to air programs that are externally sponsored, etc. Basically, you’re a superhuman.

What are some of the biggest challenges you face on a daily basis?

Guests cancel last minute, camera or technical staff doesn’t show up, technology fails—basically, never dismiss Murphy’s law.🤭

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the sports industry, and how do you incorporate that knowledge into your work at the NBC Sports Desk?

The internet is ever-evolving, and so a big part of staying updated for me means keeping up with all social media platforms and the changes that come with them. Keep discovering new ways. The world is your oyster.

What advice would you give to young women who aspire to pursue a career in sports production?

What are you waiting for? Get that degree, get the training, network, and always be open to learning. If you fail once, try again; slow progress is better than no progress!



By: Julia Nekwaya

Lydiana Nanamus is a multi-talented individual who has made a name for herself both in the world of sports and academics. Lydiana is a qualified chemist who also excels in football and rugby, representing both national teams.

In addition to her academic and sporting achievements, Lydiana is also a skilled tutor in mathematics, chemistry, and biology. Her passion for coaching has led her to obtain several coaching licenses, ranging from CAF-D to UEFA assistant coaching licenses. With her diverse range of talents and expertise, Lydiana Nanamus is an inspiration to many young girls who aspire to excel in multiple fields.

What inspired you to start playing football and rugby, and how did you get started in both sports?

The start of my football journey was not because I loved the sport; it was actually because I did not want to stay home on Saturdays and do household chores. I started playing in the Galz & Goals league because it was on Fridays and Saturdays. As time went on, I started loving football because I was able to find an escape from reality.

 As for rugby, I joined because my teammates, Ivone and Fiola, asked me to play. I started playing in March 2022 and realized I actually loved the sport and that it was a great way to express myself.

What challenges have you faced as a female athlete in Namibia, and how have you overcome them?

I think inequality, it’s something we are still fighting and a topic we all hope will not be an issue in the next few years. My mom raised me to speak up for what is right to firmly stand for what I believe in that is how I overcome inequality. I am a firm believer in doing what is right and being unapologetic in doing so.

Can you describe your training regimen and how you balance playing two different sports?

My life is so hectic, but I would rather be busy doing what I love than be bored all day. I gym in the mornings, then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have rugby practice,  and on Wednesdays and Thursdays I join football practice depending on the weekend schedules of my two teams. I always want to be in my best form because it prevents injuries, and I enjoy playing when I am fit.

 What has been the most memorable moment of your career so far, and why?

I actually have three.

After years of hard work, I finally got to play my first 90 minutes in the 2021 Cosafa Women’s Cup Clash against Zambia, and that feeling is still surreal.

The second one was in June 2022, just 3 months after joining rugby, I got the opportunity to represent our country. I played both matches and also had two of my best games in my debut year.

The third was when I got selected to represent Namibia as a mentee in the TAFISA Female Leaders of Tomorrow program through the Sports Commission. I presented my project on gender inequality on a global platform in Slovenia last June.

Who is Lydiana Nanamus, apart from being an athlete?

I am a certified chemist with an honors degree in applied chemistry obtained from the Namibia University of Science and Technology. In 2019, I opened an online business called Blackbird Namibia. My main aim was to provide quality items (clothing, jewelry, and electronic accessories) at an affordable price. I am also a mathematics, chemistry, and biology tutor. Apart from being a player, I am also a qualified coach with a number of coaching licenses, ranging from CAF-D to UEFA assistant coaching licenses.

How do you see the future of women’s sports in Namibia, and what role do you hope to play in that future?

I think we are moving in a positive direction with more women taking up space in our football leadership positions. I am also a coach, and I am working hard towards being one of the women who will make our football, if not the best, one of the best in the continent. I am definitely sticking around.



By: Julia Nekwaya

Coming from a long line of athletes and a bloodline of prominent football stars such as Jamanuka Tjihero and Bimbo Tjihero, it is no surprise that Virginia Kujandeka Tjihero ventured into sports which eventually led to her being the conditioning coach for the Debmarine Namibia Premiership champions African Stars.

Tjihero, explained that some of the challenges she faced as a female coach of male team were gender bias as she was often viewed as less knowledgeable which translated into a lack of respect and trust from players and other coaches. Despite these challenges, she successfully coached a male team. With her determination, hard work, and a commitment to excellence, she become the First Namibian female coach to have won the Namibian premiership.

Tjihero speaks to SRSM about her journey and what keeps her going.

Thank you for chatting to us, what sparked your interest in sports, especially football?

My interest in sports began at a young age, often through participation in organised sports leagues and watching sports with family and friends. I found enjoyment in the physical activity, the challenge of competition, and the camaraderie of being part of a team. I used to do athletics and play netball throughout my high school years and still continued where I joined the Unam Athletics club where I was crowned the Namibian Senior National Shotput champion also the Senior National Champion for Botswana in 2018.

In the case of football specifically, I was drawn to the physicality and intensity of the sport, as well as the strategy and complexity of the game. I am part of the others that have grown up watching football with family or friends and developed a love for the sport over time.

I come from an amazingly talented sports family background. Shall I start with my mother? Theresia Kujandeka was an excellent netball player who played till her 50s. Now she is a huge football fanatic, and my dad, Jamanuka Tjihero, used to be a footballer back in his days together with his brothers Albert Tjihero and well-known Bimbo Tjihero, not to forget my cousin, our own hockey captain, Maggy Mengo. All in all, Coach Woody Jacobs showed me the roots and depth of football. He saw my work and has since kept pushing and motivating me to never stop as it defined me.

Sports can promote physical and mental health, build character, and bring people together across cultural and geographic boundaries.

What were your highlights this season?

It’s hard to pick a highlight because the players really played their hearts out in every game they played, with great maintenance, and there were very few injuries picked up throughout the season. African Stars players are mental monsters; I’ve watched them deal with every game calmly, passionately, and with experience, as most teams always played the hardest against us.

The players really saved the best for last with fascinating goals scored by remarkable players, so I would go with the crowning day. The little celebration dance I had with Dynamo was special and planned, of course; this group of players surely is extraordinary. This is African Stars! It’s hard to pick.

What challenges did you face as female coach of a male team?

One of the primary challenges that I faced as a female coach of a male team was gender bias. Some male athletes, coaches, and spectators may view women as less knowledgeable or capable than men when it comes to coaching male athletes. This bias can lead to a lack of respect and trust from players and other coaches, which can make it difficult to establish authority and build positive relationships, but the group of players I had were phenomenal or elite athletes. They allowed me to grow no matter my off days, and I appreciate them for that.

Despite these challenges, many female coaches have successfully coached male teams and have made significant contributions to the world of sports. With my determination, hard work, and a commitment to excellence, thus making me become the First Namibian female coach to have won the Namibian premiership, female coaches can overcome these challenges and achieve success in coaching male teams.

How do you balance being a coach and everything else?

Balancing being a coach with other responsibilities can be challenging, but it is crucial to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Here are some tips that have helped me achieve balance:

  1. Prioritize your time: Make a list of all the tasks you need to complete and prioritize them based on their importance and urgency. Focus on completing the critical tasks first, and then move on to the less urgent ones.
  2. Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between your coaching responsibilities and your personal life. This may mean setting specific times for coaching sessions, saying no to additional coaching work when you are already busy, and delegating tasks where possible.
  3. Practice self-care: Make time for self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones. Taking care of yourself will help you stay energized and focused.
  4. Be flexible: Recognize that there will be times when unexpected events and emergencies arise and you may need to adjust your schedule or priorities. Be flexible and willing to adapt to changing circumstances.

Remember that achieving balance is an ongoing process that requires mindful attention and effort. By implementing these tips, one can create a more harmonious balance between their coaching responsibilities and other aspects of their lives.

What’s your message to other aspiring female coaches?

Firstly, it’s important to believe in yourself and your abilities as a coach. Confidence is key to success in any field, and coaching is no exception. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you don’t belong in the coaching world just because of your gender.

Secondly, seek out mentorship and support from other coaches who have experience and knowledge about football. Networking and building relationships with other coaches is very important, as it can provide valuable opportunities for learning and growth.

Thirdly, to continuously work on improving your coaching skills and knowledge as a coach, always be open-minded. Attend coaching clinics, read books and articles on coaching, and stay up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in football, as it also helps you connect more with your athletes.

Lastly, be a positive role model for your athletes and those around you. Show them that women can be successful coaches and leaders in sports, and inspire other women to pursue their own dreams and goals.

Remember, being a coach is about helping others achieve their full potential and reach their goals, regardless of gender. Keep that in mind and continue to work hard, and you can achieve great things as a female coach. Be Relentless!!